Bureau For Conflict Prevention & Stabilization - OFFICE OF TRANSITION INITIATIVES (OTI)

Speeches Shim

A young boy in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso receives his birth certificate, a crucial document that will enable him to access public services, travel to school and markets, and pursue future employment opportunities.
A young boy in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso receives his birth certificate, a crucial document that will enable him to access public services, travel to school and markets, and pursue future employment opportunities.
Haoua Sawadogo, Burkina Faso Resilience Program


USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) supports U.S. foreign policy objectives by helping local partners advance peace and democracy. USAID/OTI provides fast, flexible, short-term assistance targeted at key political transition and stabilization needs.  Strategically designed for each unique situation, USAID/OTI has laid the foundation for long-term development by promoting reconciliation, jumpstarting local economies, supporting emerging independent media, and fostering peace and democracy through innovative programming.

USAID/OTI’s Role in West Africa

USAID/OTI advances U.S. foreign policy objectives in West Africa in coordination with USAID Missions and Offices across the region. Through locally driven efforts, USAID/OTI supports democratic transitions, promotes human rights, stabilizes areas affected by violent conflict, and builds community resilience to extremism. USAID/OTI’s iterative programming methodology allows for designing, testing, and adjusting program implementation at a pace consistent with the dynamic challenges facing each country.

For more information on USAID/OTI’s current programs, see here.


USAID’s Center for Conflict and Violence Prevention (CVP) assists USAID Missions and staff overseas to design and deliver state-of-the art conflict mitigation, violence prevention, and peacebuilding interventions. USAID/CVP brings a strong track record of service to the field through conflict and countering violent extremism assessments, early-warning and other data analyses, program design support, cadre development and training, and administration of the People-to-People Reconciliation Fund.

For more information on CVP, see here.

USAID/CVP’s Role in West Africa

CVP provides resources and technical expertise to prevent the spread of violent extremism and alleviate conflict in the coastal states of West Africa and to stabilize the Sahel and the Lake Chad Region. CVP works directly with USAID Missions in West Africa to integrate conflict and violence prevention programs and approaches into their long-term development strategies. 

Last updated: October 06, 2021

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