Flag of Guatemala

Our Programs

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Prosperity Programs

Consistent with the goals of the U.S. Strategy for Addresing the Root Causes of Migration in Central America, and in broad alignment with the Northern Triangle Countries’ Alliance for Prosperity Plan, USAID programs in Guatemala seek to address the drivers of irregular migration to the United States, including high levels of violence and insecurity, pervasive poverty, and chronic malnutrition.

Regional Programs

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Integrated Response on Migration in Central America

    This project supports the dignified reception of returned migrants, linking them to employment and training opportunities so they can reintegrate into their communities. This project also produces key data and analysis on migration dynamics to inform policy-making and programming. Visit the website


    Strengthening Care and Treatment Cascade Project

    This project ensures that all eligible people living with HIV receive treatment and achieve viral suppression through high quality and discrimination free care and treatment. Visit the website


    HIV Prevention for High Risk Individuals Activity

    This project supports governments and civil society to provide high risk individuals with prevention services such as non-discriminatory counseling and testing with a focus on connecting HIV-positive individuals to appropriate treatment. Visit the website


    Central American Project for Sustaining and Championing the Human Rights Response to HIV

    This project supports an increase in rights-based HIV policies, processes, and practices in Central American countries in order to reach UNAIDS 90-90-90 goals. Visit the website

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Central America Regional Labor Rights Program

    The goal of this program is to strengthen labor rights, access to labor justice, and decent work conditions in the most needed sectors, including the informal sector, in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Visit the website


    Sustainable HIV Knowledge Management

    This project strengthens health information systems for HIV and improved HIV knowledge management among key population civil society organizations. Visit the website

Country Programs

  • Economic Growth

    Creating Economic Opportunities

    This project promotes trade and investment, mobilizes financial services, upgrades productive infrastructure, and improves private sector competitiveness, benefiting poor and vulnerable populations, particularly Indigenous youth. Visit the website

  • Education

    Puentes Project

    This project supports youth in high migration areas of Guatemala access to education, employment, and entrepreneurship opportunities while providing youth with basic life skills so that they can actively contribute to their communities. Visit the website

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Communities Leading Development

    This project uses a community-based development approach to strengthen the voices of underrepresented groups, facilitating inclusive bargaining processes to select priorities for development projects in the Western Highlands. Visit the website

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Urban Municipal Governance Project

    This project reduces the levels of violence in municipalities most at risk of violent crime, located in three regions along the border regions of Mexico, El Salvador and Honduras, as well as in the central region around Guatemala City. Visit the website

  • Environment

    Climate, Nature, and Communities

    This project safeguards natural resources by supporting the development of conservation value chains, the promotion of sustainable land use practices, resilience to climate change, and the strengthening of non-governmental organizations. Visit the website

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Community Roots Project

    This project creates educational, athletic, cultural, and employment opportunities for youth by supporting the efforts of the Vice Ministry of Violence Prevention, the National Police, municipalities, community development commissions, and the private sector. Visit the website

  • Economic Growth

    Innovative Solutions for Agricultural Value Chains Project

    This project supports the growth and economic resilience of agribusinesses through training in agricultural and business practices and technologies, diversification of value chains, and private sector investment. Visit the website

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Nexos Locales

    This project strengthens municipalities’ management of public services, financial and procurement systems to increase their capacity to raise revenue and manage expenditures, deliver basic services and improve economic growth. Visit the website

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Justice and Transparency Project

    This project strengthens Guatemala’s security and justice sector institutions to reduce criminal impunity and more effectively investigate, prosecute, and adjudicate crimes that drive illegal migration. Visit the website

  • Health and Nutrition

    Health and Education Policy Project Plus (HEP+)

    This project supports targeted sector reform in the education, nutrition, and health sectors; and the development of civil society capacity to undertake advocacy and accountability efforts and promote a policy dialogue among national, departmental, and local stakeholders. Visit the website

  • Economic Growth

    Coffee Value Chains Project

    This project improves coffee agricultural productivity, diversifies income generation alternatives, expands access to markets, and increases resilience through implementation of climate-smart nutrition sensitive agriculture, within a market-driven approach. Visit the website

  • Health and Nutrition

    Improved Health and Nutrition

    This activity will improve the health and nutritional status of women and children in the Western Highlands by strengthening institutions implementing health and nutrition policies. Visit the website

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Transformative Action Project

    This project aims to build a diverse cadre of future political leaders in Guatemala who are able to address the country’s most pressing challenges, by providing opportunities for youth to engage in civic and political processes, civic and political participation, and building civil leadership skills. Visit the website

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Communities Building Peace Project

    This project brings together diverse sectors and stakeholders within communities in the Western Highlands to identify and address the main drivers of social conflict at the familial, community, and municipal levels. Visit the website

  • Security, Justice, and Governance

    Electoral Governance and Reforms Project

    This project improves governance of key institutions and increases citizen voice and responsibility by enhancing dialogue and advocacy for key new reforms by civil society, the legislature, and the executive branch, in addition to supporting the implementation and enforcement of key recently approved reforms. Visit the website

  • Environment

    Strengthening Governance in the Maya Biosphere Reserve

    This project supports field patrols and judicial processes to ensure enforcement of laws and prosecution of offenders; enhances public and civil society participation in governance; invests in tourism development; and protects the region’s archaeological heritage. Visit the website

  • Economic Growth

    Accelerate At-Risk Women’s Prosperity Through Productive Value Chains in Latin America

    This project integrates a women-centered ecological approach and other gender-specific methodologies with the Rainforest Alliance’s proven market-based conservation approach. Visit the website

  • Food Security

    Grant to the International Food Policy Research Institute

    This project helps to report improvements in food security and nutrition by providing technical assistance to establish the baseline for an impact evaluation and mid term survey of Zero Hunger Pact of the Government of Guatemala. Visit the website

  • Health and Nutrition

    Breakthrough Action [COVID Response]

    This project promotes social behavior change interventions to improve health and nutrition outcomes among vulnerable populations. The project implements risk communication and community engagement interventions to provide the public with necessary information to reduce transmission risk. Visit the website

  • Food Security

    Rural Extension Project in Guatemala

    This project increases food security among rural households in Guatemala by strengthening the capacity of extension agents and community promoters in planning, organizing, managing, and delivering rural extension services. Visit the website

Additional Programs

Projected investment totals included below represent an estimate at the time of award, but do not ultimately reflect the total funds expended on these projects. Holds on U.S. foreign assistance for Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador will result in reductions to these totals across all USAID programming. In short, the amounts listed represent an estimate at the time of award, but do not ultimately reflect the total funds expended on these projects.


  • Implemented by: Mancomunidad de la Cuenca del Río Naranjo (Mancuerna)
  • Duration: September 25, 2017 - September 30, 2021
  • Total Projected Investment: $3,000,000

The purpose of the Water Quality Improvement in the Mam Territory and Institutional Strengthening of the Mancomunidad de la Cuenca del Rio Naranjo (Mancuerna) activity is to decrease the incidence of diarrhea and therefore contribute to reducing chronic malnutrition through the provision of safe water and basic sanitation services in Mancuerna’s member municipalities. The activity also aims to strengthen Mancuerna as an implementing institution so it can develop and carry out additional water and sanitation projects and share the organization’s successful community-based methodology with other municipalities and rural communities.

Normative and Social Behavior Change – Breakthrough Action

  • Implemented by: Johns Hopkins University
  • Duration: March 4, 2019 – September 30, 2021
  • Total Projected Investment: $500,000

This activity helps increase the practice of priority behaviors, such as eating nutrient rich foods, consuming their own agricultural products and better hygiene that improve the health and nutrition status among the Guatemalan population living in select municipalities throughout the Western Highlands.

Breakthrough-Action supports USAID/Guatemala’s Feed the Future Initiative by working with the implementing partners that are focusing on nutrition-sensitive agriculture activities in its Zone of Influence. As both health and agriculture activities intend to reduce stunting, chronic malnutrition, and improve the health status of its beneficiaries, using an integrated approach whereby both sectors reinforce the same behavior change messaging is critical.

Global Health Supply Chain for Procurement and Supply Management for HIV

  • Implemented by: Chemonics International, Inc.
  • Duration: October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2021
  • Total Projected Investment: $12,584,096

The objective of this activity is to provide technical assistance to the National AIDS Programs to support ministries of health efforts in five Central American countries to improve the health supply chain’s performance and expand availability to improve their anti-retroviral supply forecasts, logistics management information systems, and storage conditions in health facilities. The activity assists the ministries of health to enhance Central Logistics Units, work with MOH staff to develop medical supply forecasts at the central and local levels, support the development of a Logistics Management Information System for primary and secondary levels of care, analyze and use essential logistics data to improve the availability of health supplies, and develop and implement procedures to improve storage conditions.

Last updated: February 10, 2022

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