Flag of Brazil

Trilateral Cooperation

Speeches Shim

 USAID/Brazil works in close collaboration with the Brazilian Government to support research on agriculture and food security.
USAID/Brazil works in close collaboration with the Brazilian Government to support research on agriculture and food security.
Photo: USAID/Brazil


As the Western Hemisphere’s two largest democracies and largest economies, the United States and Brazil now collaborate as partners to help other countries in need. USAID/Brazil, the first Strategic Partnership Mission to foster trilateral cooperation, has partnered with the government of Brazil to leverage knowledge, expertise, and resources in support of third country development efforts. Trilateral cooperation serves as a mechanism to expand a country’s development accomplishments into third countries, strengthen institutional capacity of partner countries, and optimize regional and cultural affinities.

Working towards common development goals, the two countries have been working since  2010 to enhance joint activities and expand technical cooperation in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The work focuses on economic development, education, food security, women’s issues, health care, and social inclusion. USAID works closely with the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) of Brazil’s Ministry of External Relations and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA).

In Mozambique, Honduras, and Haiti, USAID and ABC collaborate to reduce poverty, hunger, and malnutrition through improvements to agricultural productivity and food security.

USAID/Brazil’s Trilateral Cooperation Program has supported Embrapa's contributions to the recently created Fall Armyworm (FAW) Research for Development (R4D) International Consortium to continue tackling the scourge of the FAW, which is threatening food security across Africa. In 2018, USAID/Brazil’s organized a high-level study tour with participants from ten African countries affected by the devastating effects of the Fall Armyworm (FAW). The study tour was co-hosted by USAID/Washington’s Bureau of Food Security, EMBRAPA and ABC to present a full range of integrated pest management strategies, successfully used in Brazil to control FAW. Participants toured smallholder and industrial farms, visited EMBRAPA research and demonstration plots and met with private sector representatives.


Last updated: January 19, 2022

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