Flag of Afghanistan


Lingua: English

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

USAID is helping Afghanistan become a more responsible and integrated member of the region and the world. Great strides have been made in health and education, bringing more Afghans back into economic and civic life.

Institutions that can accountably respond to people’s needs and aspirations are being restored. Investments in infrastructure and human capital are making the country less vulnerable to insurgents and illicit business and more attractive for private-sector enterprise.

Through its work, the Agency has boosted incomes, created jobs and reduced poverty. At the same time, we have improved how we work in Afghanistan. These reforms are core to our mission to accomplish results sustainably and cost-effectively.

USAID and its partners will continue to build upon this foundation. Our focus includes investing in energy, industries and capacities that will generate broad-based and inclusive economic growth and improve security. We are working with the Afghan people to lay the foundation that enables a successful transition from a donor-supported economy to one driven by Afghan growth and ingenuity.

Contact Information

Washington nia Kontaktu

USAID/Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Rm. 5.6-027
, DC 

Last updated: November 19, 2021

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