Flag of Tanzania

Chumba cha Habari

Language: English | Swahili

Speeches Shim


USAID/Tanzania is seeking proposals to assist in the production of a variety of high quality communications products and promotional items to be used in several targeted outreach activities. The purpose of these communication products, explained in further detail below, is to raise awareness of USAID’s presence in Tanzania, highlight its breadth of past and present programming, and stimulate increased interest in our activities. The communications products will be disseminated through social media, the USAID global website and at special events.

Construction of the new $772,000 dormitory will accommodate 400 girls

On Saturday, March 26, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director V. Kate Somvongsiri and the Minister of Education Professor Adolf Mkenda attended a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new girls’ dormitory. Construction of the new $772,000 (1.8 billion tz shillings) Loyola High School dormitory was funded by the USAID American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) program and will accommodate 400 girls.


Being a day-schooler is a challenge. You must travel a long distance by foot and sometimes being disturbed by men on the way,” said Semeni, who plans to pursue a B.A. in education after graduating. “Now that I’m a boarding student for almost two years, I can focus more on my studies than before.


Uhuru-TB&FP LON (“Freedom-Tuberculosis & Family Planning”) is a five-year activity which aims to improve access to and use of quality Tuberculosis (TB) and family planning (FP) service delivery in public and private sector health facilities in four regions of Tanzania. TB case finding and detection are challenged by inappropriate management, poor documentation, inadequate collection systems and diagnostic capacity, along with sociocultural barriers, stigma, and gender disparity.


Tanzania, with assistance from Global Fund and the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) is providing insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) free of charge through all public health facilities nationwide to pregnant women at their first antenatal care clinic visit and to infants during their measles vaccination. In addition, on Mainland Tanzania, ITNs are delivered annually to primary school children in selected grades in all public schools in 14 regions of the country that were reported to have a malaria prevalence greater than 10 percent.


Last updated: April 14, 2022

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