Government of Zambia Commemoration of 2022 World Malaria Day: Remarks by Jennifer Somtore, USAID Resident Advisor to the U.S. President's Malaria Initiative

Speeches Shim

Monday, April 25, 2022
USAID Resident Advisor to the President's Malaria Initiative, speaks at a World Malaria Day event.
Jennifer Somtore, USAID Resident Advisor to the President's Malaria Initiative, delivers remarks during the Zambian government's official commemoration of 2022 World Malaria Day.

Kalumbila, Northwestern Province, Zambia

On behalf of the United States government, it is an honor to be here with you to commemorate World Malaria Day. Today is an incredibly important occasion as we celebrate the  successes we have achieved thus far and acknowledge the challenges that remain as we continue on the path toward malaria elimination in Zambia.

Since 2008, the U.S. government, through the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), has worked closely with the National Malaria Elimination Center and the provincial and district health offices. To date, we have invested more than ZMW 6 billion ($339 million) in malaria response activities in Zambia. 

In the past year alone, through our network of implementing partners, PMI has distributed over 2.4 million insecticide-treated nets and protected over 3 million people with indoor residual spraying. 

We trained over 7,704 health care workers in improved malaria diagnosis and treatment to ensure that patients receive the best care possible.

PMI also supported the 2021 Malaria Indicator Survey that tracks malaria burden and intervention coverage for the National Malaria Elimination Program—information that will set the baseline for the country’s new strategic plan.

As a result of  these partnerships with the Ministry of Health and other partners in Zambia, we have seen an encouraging 12-to-30-percent decrease in under-five malaria cases, malaria hospitalizations, and malaria deaths in 2021 as compared to 2020, which was a difficult year. This represents precious children’s lives saved and women’s economic productivity regained. 

With strong leadership from the National Malaria Elimination Center, a new data-driven Malaria Program Review has refocused our attention on the need to scale up interventions for impact while still “keeping the malaria elimination fires burning.” 

PMI fully supports this new strategic journey which allows maximal impact of limited resources to reduce malaria cases and deaths. This represents a crucial opportunity for all our partners to chart a realistic yet ambitious way forward. 

Because we know we have a long, challenging, yet winnable fight ahead. 

Defeating malaria demands a broad partnership. Here in the heart of Zambia’s mining industry, it is important to recognize the role of the private sector and their strong history of fighting malaria. 

PMI is honored to work with the End Malaria Council and End Malaria Fund, which serves as a bridge between government and business,—advocating and mobilizing for the resources required to accelerate Zambia down the road to malaria elimination.

The President’s Malaria Initiative remains committed to working with the Zambian government and our many domestic and international partners. Together, we will advance equity, build resilience, and ultimately end malaria. 

On behalf of the United States government and the President’s Malaria Initiative, I am honored to join with you here today to congratulate Zambia and its partners on the progress made so far; to encourage us all to deploy our resources for greatest impact; and, to reaffirm the American people's commitment to help Zambia keep accelerating toward the goal of malaria elimination.

As the country’s national slogan declares, Malaria Ends with Me. It also ends with you. And together we can realize a malaria-free future. 

Thank you very much.

Kalumbila, Northwestern Province, Zambia
Issuing Country 

Last updated: April 27, 2022

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