Zema Semunegus

Speeches Shim

USAID/Timor-Leste Mission Director
Mission Director

Ms. Zema Semunegus arrived in Timor-Leste to take up her position as USAID Mission Director on June 16, 2021.  Over the last 25 years, Ms. Semunegus has led and contributed to USAID and NGO efforts to save lives and promote resilience, food security, health, economic growth, human rights, and stability in various settings.  From July 2020 to June 2021, Ms. Semunegus supported USAID disaster response efforts as head of the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance’s (BHA) Office of Technical and Program Quality.  Ms. Semunegus served as the Program Office Backstop Coordinator in the Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning prior to that.  From 2016 to 2017, she served as head of the USAID/Ethiopia Democracy and Governance office where she integrated human rights, good governance, and peacebuilding efforts.   

Previous to that, Ms. Semunegus served as USAID/South Sudan Deputy Mission Director.  In this role she co-led a complex portfolio of conflict mitigation, health, good governance, education, humanitarian assistance, food security, and economic growth investments. 

As head of the USAID/West Bank and Gaza Program Office from 2013 to 2015, she provided strategic and programmatic leadership and coordinated humanitarian programming efforts in the aftermath of the devastating 2014 Gaza War.  Prior to that, she supported USAID/Sudan and East African limited presence country programs remotely from Nairobi during a year-long ordered departure from Khartoum.  From 2008 to 2012, Ms. Semunegus led a regional Food for Peace/BHA team based in Senegal, Niger, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.  From 2002 to 2008, she served in Pretoria as a Project Development Officer, and, from 1995 to 2001, she supported various USAID and Save the Children Alliance disaster response efforts, primarily in the Horn of Africa and Eastern Europe. 

Ms. Semunegus graduated from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, with a Master of Arts degree in Policy Studies (focusing on food security and health).  Fluent in Amharic, she has studied Spanish and French and is proficient in Tigrigna.  She is currently learning Tetun, one of the two official languages in Timor-Leste.

Last updated: June 17, 2021

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