
Speeches Shim

27-04-2022 14:45

With greater connectivity, the world's unbanked, the majority of whom are women, can also begin to harness digital financial tools to increase their participation in the economy and take control over their own finances. Expanding access to digital financial services can transform emerging economies by adding an estimated $3.7 trillion to the global GDP over the next decade. That is why we are so excited to launch the Digital Invest program today, as part of President Biden's global infrastructure initiative. Digital Invest will build on years of work we've done with the private sector to expand internet access to underserved communities around the world.

27-04-2022 13:00

The spirit of Ramadan, a sacred time—a time when Muslims recommit themselves to their faith, look inward, serve one another and lift up the less fortunate, and to say simply “Salaam”—”peace”— to those who address them in ignorance. It is also a time—and this iftar is the ultimate demonstration of this—to remind us that we are all bound together as Americans—in freedom, in the right to practice our own faiths, and in the responsibility to look out for and seek to understand one another.

26-04-2022 22:00

Today, malaria is mostly a disease that affects other parts of the world. But during the height of the Great Depression, the US recorded over 137,000 cases of malaria, and almost 4,500 deaths. Malaria became such a public health crisis that during World War II, Disney produced a ten-minute public health film about malaria featuring the Seven Dwarves.

26-04-2022 17:15

If development is only seen as the province of governments and foreign aid, then we will never achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. But if we broaden our aperture and welcome the private sector and other non-traditional donors into our work, then we will create a better, more prosperous, and more sustainable future for everyone.

26-04-2022 16:15

Drought is not unusual in East Africa. What is unusual is the severity of this drought, combined with the compounding factors that have disrupted global food and fuel markets; and the stretching of humanitarian resources to address an increasing number of conflicts worldwide. Already, over 15 million people are in need of immediate food assistance. Nearly 6 million children are expected to be acutely malnourished, and over 900,000 people have been displaced in the desperate search for food, water, and pasture.

26-04-2022 15:00

And now, Kaya is officially stepping into the role as Mission Director of the Kyrgyz Republic at a critical time. Like the rest of the world, the Kyrgyz Republic continues to grapple with the repercussions of Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine. The shocks of this war have led to harsh inflationary pressure that is increasing the price of food, fuel and everyday commodities—reminiscent of the high prices, food shortages, and economic stagnation of Soviet rule. The war has also led to a depreciation of the Kyrgyz som that some suspect could trigger a recession just as the country was experiencing a brief recovery from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

25-04-2022 03:15

On behalf of the United States government, it is an honor to be here with you to commemorate World Malaria Day. Today is an incredibly important occasion as we celebrate the  successes we have achieved thus far and acknowledge the challenges that remain as we continue on the path toward malaria elimination in Zambia.

22-04-2022 10:45

I thank the Government of the Republic of Zambia for joining USAID, The Nature Conservancy, Kashikoto Conservancy Limited, and Amatheon AGRI Zambia Limited in convening this milestone event. The United States shares your vision of a prosperous Zambia, and we believe the Eastern Kafue Nature Alliance will play a key role in helping realize this vision.

21-04-2022 19:00

The additional $500 million announced today by President Biden means that the United States' total economic support to Ukraine is $1 billion in the last two months. As Wally shared this USAID funding will help sustain essential services and the emergency response. And it will help keep gas and electricity flowing to hospitals and schools, and support the salaries of civil servants.

21-04-2022 18:15

President Biden has boldly said that every Agency must become a climate Agency, and thanks to the leadership of all the people assembled here, we are urgently taking up that call. Rather than dictate, bureau by bureau, region by region, mission by mission, dozens of individual climate initiatives, our new climate strategy lays out six audacious and inspiring goals and challenges us all to play our part. The goal of preventing six billion tons of global greenhouse gas emissions doesn’t belong to one bureau or initiative—we all have a role to play in helping take the equivalent of taking 100 million cars off the road.


Last updated: May 06, 2022

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