USAID Program Celebrates Citizens Advocacy to Recover $100,000s from Mining Companies in Northern Senegal

Speeches Shim

Friday, October 1, 2021
Ousmane Ba. president of the Coalition of Citizen Participation in Kanel (Senegal)
J. Little, USAID

Mining  operations in Matam, in the Department of Kanel, particularly in the communes of Hamady Ounaré, Ndendory and Orkadiéré used to be received with hostilities by the community. Many residents lost their homes due to the expansion of this industry in the area. The mining companies were not complying with tax payments that could provide much needed support for local public services. 

In 2018, the USAID KAWRAL program, implemented by ONG 3D, started to train citizens in advocacy techniques so that they could demand the mining companies to adhere to tax laws. Three years later the program is closing its operations with outstanding results. 

Close to 10,000 people participated in the USAID KAWRAL program throughout the Matam region on key subjects, including mining legislation, organizational management, and citizen project management. “We set up groups of attendants into what we called Citizen Participation Coalitions (CPCs) and with lots of determination, they started organizing marches to demand payment for land loss and payment of municipal taxes,” said Ibrahima Yamar Diop, KAWRAL’s Coordinator. 

Mr. Alassane Ba Cisse, Sous prefect of Orkadiere, Department of Kanel said that “the population of the three communes of Hamady Ounare, Dendory and Orkadiere had benefited from the program”.  As the program is closing, the CPCs in Matam can find satisfaction in the result of their actions with the distribution of 5 billion FCFA ($8.9 million)  to local authorities to be used toward the management of public services. Also, 400 victims of illegal land seizure by the Société minière de la vallée (SOMIVA) mining company were able to receive compensation for their loss at 1 million FCFA ($1,785)  per victim - 431 million FCFA (around $763,000) in total.   

(L-R) USAID Democracy and Governance office director Marc Wilson,  the Department of Kanel Prefect, Maguette Diouck (Matam region, Senegal) and USAID Governance specialist Samba Ba
(L-R) USAID Democracy and Governance office director Marc Wilson, the Department of Kanel Prefect, Maguette Diouck (Matam region, Senegal) and USAID Governance specialist Samba Ba
J.Little, USAID

 “We celebrate these successes and take the time to reflect on what still needs to be done. Citizens should continue to advocate for payment to the local development support fund and for mining companies to comply with the new mining code of 2016,” said Mark Wilson, USAID Democracy and Governance Office Director in Senegal. 

The advocacy and citizen-participation model of the KAWRAL program in Matam should be replicated in the two largest mining regions of Kédougou and Thiès, he added. 

This year, USAID is celebrating its 60th anniversary of partnership with Senegal. This month’s  60th anniversary theme is “Democracy and Stable Societies,” which highlights how USAID has worked with the government, civil society organizations, and communities to improve on democracy and governance issues. Through programs like KAWRAL, USAID is working to improve Senegal’s political and social stability, to help enhance the management of public resources and encourage a citizen-centric approach to governance.


Last updated: May 06, 2022

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