Administrator Samantha Power Meets with Brad Smith, Microsoft President and Vice Chair

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim


For Immediate Release

Thursday, December 16, 2021
Office of Press Relations

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Rebecca Chalif:

Today, Administrator Power met with Microsoft President and Vice Chair Brad Smith to discuss how USAID and Microsoft can better collaborate to achieve sustainable development in countries and regions where both are active.

Administrator Power thanked Mr. Smith for participating in the Summit for Democracy and noted their shared belief that companies - including technology companies - must prioritize democratic values and respect for human rights. In addition, they discussed ways of bringing their respective capabilities to bear on COVID-19 vaccination distribution, disaster relief, addressing root causes of migration, fighting corruption, driving economic growth, and helping countries implement the commitments they made at the Summit for Democracy.

Last updated: April 15, 2022

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