Flag of Guatemala


Speeches Shim

April 5, 2017

El Estudio de Audiencias para la Comunicación para el Desarrollo fue realizado por USAID Guatemala en 2016, entre dieciséis diferentes audiencias, o grupos de personas para quienes el desarrollo es importante.

April 5, 2017

The Audience Research for Development Communications study was conducted by USAID Guatemala in 2016 among sixteen different audiences, or groups of people for whom development is important.

December 21, 2016

El objetivo de este informe es aportar a USAID con mayor comprensión sobre las dinámicas que catalizan los conflictos y la violencia en el Altiplano Occidental

November 15, 2016

The LAC Regional Workforce Development Program (RWDP) has designed and conducted a baseline assessment to examine the labor markets, and in particular, market demand for skills, in each of the countries in which the Program is working.

November 15, 2016

The LAC Regional Workforce Development Program (RWDP) has designed and conducted a baseline assessment to examine the labor markets, and in particular, market demand for skills, in each of the countries in which the Program is working.


Last updated: April 06, 2022

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