Celebrating the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples at USAID/Guatemala

Speeches Shim

A short message from Anu Rajaraman, Mission Director of USAID/Guatemala, in recognition and celebration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.

On August 9, 2021, USAID conmemorates the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and recognizes the contributions that the Xinka, Garífuna and Maya Peoples have made in the development of Guatemala. It is a priority of the United States Government to continue working to form strategic alliances with local indigenous organizations and reinforce respect for the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of Guatemala. Learn more about USAID’s Policy on Promoting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and how the Agency is making this policy a reality in Guatemala.

Video Transcript 
[Spanish] Saqarik nan. Saqarik tat. Saqarik iwonojel. Buenos días todos y todas. Hoy, nos unimos a la conmemoración del Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas. Reconocemos el aporte que los Pueblos Xinka, Garífuna y Maya han realizado al desarrollo de Guatemala. En la Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional, USAID, reconocemos que los Pueblos Indígenas juegan un rol importante en el fortalecimiento y el desarrollo de sus comunidades al promover y prestar servicios de salud, nutrición, educación, gobernanza y seguridad. Es preciso unir esfuerzos para fortalecer los sistemas de conocimientos y así seguir promoviendo la prosperidad y el desarrollo de Guatemala. Por esto, es una prioridad del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos seguir trabajando para formar alianzas estratégicas con las organizaciones indígenas y reforzar el respeto de los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas de Guatemala. Un ejemplo concreto de este compromiso es La Ruta, una iniciativa del Gobierno de Guatemala, apoyado por USAID y otras agencias del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, que busca fortalecer su relacionamiento con Autoridades de Pueblos Indígenas y mejorar servicios en regiones predominantemente indígenas. Además, contamos con proyectos como KEM de USAID, que trabajará con organizaciones locales para buscar alianzas estratégicas con las organizaciones Indígenas. Kem es una palabra en K’iche’ que significa tejido. Valoramos sus contribuciones y estamos comprometidos en trabajar juntos para que brindemos oportunidades de desarrollo para todos. Trabajemos juntos de forma significativa e intencionada, para que todos tengamos una Guatemala donde podamos vivir dignamente! Maltyox! Muchísimas gracias! [English] Good morning to all of you. Good morning to all of you. Today, we join in the commemoration of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples. We recognize the contribution that the Xinka, Garífuna and Maya Peoples have made in the development of Guatemala. At the Agency for International Development, USAID, we recognize that Indigenous Peoples play an important role in strengthening and developing their communities by promoting and providing health, nutrition, education, governance, and security services. It is necessary to join efforts to strengthen knowledge systems and thus continue to promote the prosperity and development of Guatemala. For this reason, it is a priority of the United States Government to continue working to form strategic alliances with indigenous organizations and reinforce respect for the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of Guatemala. A concrete example of this commitment is La Ruta, an initiative of the Government of Guatemala, supported by USAID and other agencies of the United States government, which seeks to strengthen its relationship with Indigenous Peoples Authorities and improve services in predominantly indigenous regions. In addition, we have projects such as KEM from USAID, which will work with local organizations to seek strategic alliances with Indigenous organizations. Kem is a word in K'iche that means weaving. We value your contributions and are committed to working together to provide opportunities for development for all. Let us work together in a meaningful and intentional way, so that we all have a Guatemala where we can live with dignity! Thank you very much!

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Last updated: May 06, 2022