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This continent-wide program drives trade and investment across Africa.


Bolster trade and investment to, from, and within the African continent

Life of Program

2021 – 2026

Total USAID Funding

$464 million contract ceiling

Geographic Focus

Continent wide (North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa)

Проект USAID «Фокус прав человека: женщины и дети» направлен на улучшение ситуации в области прав человека, позволяя гражданскому обществу более эффективно представлять голоса граждан и взаимодействовать с правительством Казахстана, чтобы помочь ключевым государственным учреждениям более эффективно выполнять свои полномочия и реагировать на потребности граждан. Деятельность изначально направлена на расширение прав и возможностей женщин для активного участия в делах государства и на защиту детей от буллинга.

USAID's response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The USAID-funded Human Rights Focus: Women and Children activity aims to improve human rights, enabling civil society to more effectively represent citizens’ voices, and engage with the Government of Kazakhstan to help key government institutions be more effective in their mandate and responsiveness to citizens’ needs. The activity is initially focused on the empowerment of women to actively participate in government affairs, and to protect children from bullying.

Successful Aimak 2 aims to improve the well-being of citizens by improving the quality of public services provided by local governments. Over four years, the project will assist 50 municipalities in the Jalal-Abad, Issyk-Kul, Naryn, and Osh oblasts of Kyrgyzstan.

Roma are the most vulnerable and disadvantaged ethnic community in North Macedonia. Surveys reveal other groups view them as the least trusted community in the country due to the deeply rooted societal stereotypes. Roma experience numerous challenges in their daily lives due to prejudice, discrimination, and racism, which raise barriers to their social inclusion, empowerment, employment, participation in policy-making processes and structures at the national and local level. USAID contributes to this country’s efforts to promote inclusivity, improve economic security and growth, engage youth in social and economic opportunities, and increase government transparency. 

The imbalance between development of urban and rural communities in North Macedonia, particularly the large gaps in infrastructure and technology, encourages further migration from rural to urban areas. Limited capacities of institutions, small budgets, frequent changes of local policies, stalled fiscal decentralization, and low levels of transparency all contribute to mistrust and weaken rural development. Citizens and civil organizations are not typically involved in actions to improve their communities. Lack of private sector engagement and investment result in underutilized land, deserted villages, and little commitment to community development. 

USAID’s Pandemic Response Activity, a three-year partnership with UNICEF, supports vaccination and outreach efforts to fight COVID-19 in Kosovo and provides reliable medical information and services to protect the public against the worst effects of the pandemic.

The region is the global epicenter of marine biological diversity and home to the most productive fisheries on the planet. However, the region’s marine ecosystems are threatened by pollution, uncontrolled coastal development, climate change, and unsustainable and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Distant-water fishing fleets of foreign state actors contribute to unsustainable and illegal fishing, threatening regional economic and food security, and eroding national sovereignty and maritime security.

Horizonte Minero fortalece la capacidad del Gobierno de Colombia (GOC) para gobernar la minería de oro artesanal y en pequeña escala (MAPE) y mitigar los impactos de la minería de oro informal sobre el medio ambiente.


Last updated: July 12, 2024

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