Environmental Procedures Hub

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USAID systematically addresses environmental risk in its efforts to support self-reliance and resilience and to safeguard people and resources. The process for assessing these risks is called Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).  USAID uses EIA as a tool to examine the existing environmental conditions of a strategy, program, project or activity, and to predict the potential impacts of those actions on the environment and the community.  EIA also includes the development of mitigation measures and monitoring techniques to avoid, minimize, mitigate, remediate or offset those impacts.  The outcome of using this tool is more informed decision-making, leading to better, more sustainable actions.

USAID implements the EIA process following the requirements of Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (FAA) Section 117, as amended, to “take fully into account” the potential impact of its programs and projects upon “the environment and natural resources of developing countries.”  USAID’s Environmental Procedures, 22 CFR 216 (referred to as Reg. 216), provide further policy guidance on the systematic examination and mitigation of environmental impacts.   In addition, USAID Automated Directives System, Chapter 204, provides policy directives and required procedures for the implementation of FAA Section 117 and 22 CFR 216 over the entire program cycle.

All USAID staff with substantive responsibilities for strategy, project and activity design, solicitation, award and/or implementation have responsibilities for the application of the Agency’s environmental policies and procedures. USAID implementing partners are responsible for undertaking the required environmental and social mitigation and monitoring components of their activities.

This Hub provides key resources for USAID staff and implementing partners, including:

This site is not a substitute for the advice and engagement of environmental officers at the USAID Mission, Bureau and Regional levels who advise on the environmental compliance process and lend their expertise throughout the project life cycle.

NOTE: Only text and materials specifically labeled as such constitute official USAID guidance and policy. Other materials on this site are informational.

Last updated: October 13, 2020

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