USAID Celebrates Agreement to Build 20 Career Centers at Egyptian Universities

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USAID/Egypt Mission Director Sherry F. Carlin and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghafar joined at the American University in Cairo to announce the opening of 20 UCCDs at 12 Egyptian universities.
USAID/Egypt Mission Director Sherry F. Carlin and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghafar joined at the American University in Cairo to announce the opening of 20 UCCDs at 12 Egyptian universities.
USAID/Egypt - Jon Erb

For Immediate Release

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Cairo –USAID/Egypt, in partnership with the American University in Cairo, announced the launch of a project to build 20 Career Development Centers at universities throughout Egypt to provide Egyptian students training in leadership, entrepreneurship, and networking, and better prepare students to enter the job market. The project’s launch included representatives of the Ministries of Higher Education, Education, and Investment, as well as 10 public universities from across Egypt. Career Development Centers link Egyptian universities with the private sector to increase career opportunities and job training for Egyptian students and alumni.

“We are pleased to announce our partnership with the American University in Cairo to develop 20 new career centers that will serve over 70 percent of all public university students in Egypt – potentially reaching over one million students” said USAID/Egypt Mission Director Sherry F. Carlin.  “This is part of USAID’s commitment toward creating opportunities for Egypt’s youth as they enter the labor market.”

Building on the success of five pilot Career Development Center​s, USAID is scaling this effort up nationwide, partnering with universities in Greater Cairo, the Delta, and Upper Egypt.  Career Development Centers will also provide information on evolving labor market needs to help inform university curricula.

USAID’s support for Career Development Centers is part of the $30 billion that the American people have invested in Egypt through USAID since 1978.  To find out more about USAID’s work in Egypt, please see, and follow on Facebook and Twitter at @USAIDEgypt.


Last updated: April 25, 2022

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