Development Innovation Ventures: Turning Bright Ideas into Global Solutions

Speeches Shim

Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) is USAID’s open innovation fund that invests in breakthrough solutions to some of the world’s toughest development challenges. DIV provides flexible grant funding to test new ideas, build evidence of what works, and scale solutions that could impact millions of lives at a fraction of the usual cost.

Built on the idea that game-changing ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, DIV accepts applications year-round from social entrepreneurs, nonprofits, private sector companies, government partners, and researchers, working across every sector and country in which USAID operates.

DIV uses a tiered, evidence-driven funding model to allow for risk-taking at early stages while mitigating risk at later stages, maximizing impact per dollar spent.


Thursday, March 3, 2022 - 2:15pm

Last updated: March 03, 2022