Remarks by Ms. Nancy Eslick, Mission Director, USAID/Cambodia, Cambodia Workforce Development Program, DataU Roundtable on Cambodia’s Digital Future

Speeches Shim

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

(as prepared for delivery)


  • Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
  • Good afternoon!


It is my pleasure to join you all today as we bring together industry experts to discuss the future of data analytics in Cambodia.

Employers in Cambodia and beyond seek to hire those who understand how to identify data sources and use those data to overcome modern challenges. 

With an estimated 11.4 million new data jobs required globally over the next five years, this is an exciting growth opportunity for Cambodia.

The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated the demand for data as well as those skilled in their collection, analysis, and dissemination. 

That is why I am happy to note that USAID partnered with DataU to offer job skills training for Cambodian youth and individuals who have lost their employment due to COVID-19. 

USAID is proud to advance the close ties between Cambodia and the United States while empowering Cambodian youth to help secure longer-term job placement. 

This partnership provides scholarships to partly cover students’ study fees and employers’ placement fees and provides successful graduates with jobs in data-related fields.

Through this flagship six-month program, DataU will train several cohorts of Cambodian data specialists and data engineers.

As successful graduates take their new skills into the marketplace, their earning potential will increase and contribute to Cambodia’s economic growth.

This drive presents opportunities for newly skilled members of Cambodia’s workforce to take advantage of technology, drive digital transformation, and build new competitive advantages.

We are excited to be here today with Cambodia’s private sector and AmCham to hear about experiences and insights regarding the future of data analytics in Cambodia.

I’m inspired by your commitment to help youth build better lives for themselves, their families, and Cambodia as a whole. 

Thank you very much.

Issuing Country 

Last updated: December 27, 2021

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