
Speeches Shim

22-09-2020 09:15

This year we mark the 70th anniversary US-Cambodia diplomatic relations and an appreciation for the importance of the environment is yet another tie that binds Cambodians and Americans. USAID has supported environmental conservation programs for more than a decade in Cambodia. Our program currently targets the two major biodiversity-significant landscapes of Prey Lang and the Eastern Plains. Our efforts have contributed to the protection of key critical endangered species in those landscapes. We work closely with communities, government ministries, local authorities, and NGOs to help protect Cambodia’s national heritage. But we need the general public’s help. The youth, the private sector, and commitments from all stakeholders are critical if we are to successfully protect Cambodia’s remaining forest, wildlife, and biodiversity. 

21-09-2020 11:00

At USAID, we promote free trade among free people. We value, support, and nurture inclusive economic growth, democratic governance, and self-reliance. Our work removes conditions that give rise to violent extremism and decreases vulnerability to hostile nation-state actors. We work tirelessly to make sure that all who wish to live in freedom and prosperity can do so.

17-09-2020 15:00

he Feed the Future Innovation Labs that we are announcing today truly represent the best of the American spirit. And they’re good for America, too. They help us build lasting friendships with other nations. They remind everyone of what America stands for...and that is economic prosperity… long and healthy lives…and human dignity.

15-09-2020 09:00

Today, on International Day of Democracy, we celebrate all that USAID has accomplished in the realm of democracy and governance. And we look ahead to the opportunities and challenges that the future holds.

09-09-2020 16:15

[As Prepared]

Good morning, everyone. I’d like to thank the Caspian Policy Center for organizing today’s discussion. Thank you for having me.

For more than 25 years, USAID has partnered with the people of the Caspian region to accelerate their countries’ development, promote stability, and foster regional connectivity and cooperation.

03-09-2020 09:00

America’s goal is to build friendships that are mutually beneficial and mutually respectful. We seek friends who share our values and want to be our strategic partners. Israel and India are inspiring success stories of our foreign assistance aim -- to raise our friends to self-sustaining prosperity and sovereignty.

02-09-2020 15:15

Today we celebrate 60 years of democratic governance for the Tibetan people. This is truly a remarkable achievement, and is a testament to the strength and resilience of the people of Tibet.

Despite being scattered across the globe, Tibetans have perfected, advanced, and importantly—preserved—their democracy over the decades. But they have done so often under extreme hardship and life-threatening adversity.

27-08-2020 09:15

USAID is proud to support these civic tech tools developed as part of the One Window for Citizens project or OW4C. This project is a three-year effort that uses technology to provide Cambodian citizens clear, transparent information on public services available to them through the government’s One Window Service Offices. We understand that technology alone is insufficient to achieve impact. We know that we need to work directly with communities to provide information on public services as well as social accountability measures such as the community scorecard. In its first year, the project works in Battambang but will expand to Banteay Meanchey and Siem Reap in its second and third years.

26-08-2020 12:15

The U.S. alliance with Guatemala is an important one that spans decades. To see participation from the highest levels of the Guatemalan government here highlights the importance of this partnership. Whether it’s addressing the COVID-19 pandemic....giving youth the skills they succeed in the workforce…strengthening the justice system....or making sure families can feed their children...the United States is committed to helping the Government build a bright future for all Guatemalans.

20-08-2020 15:00

The state of faith-based activism in Latin America — particularly in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela — ties together two important topics that are high on the Administration’s, and therefore USAID’s, priority list. First, the preservation of religious freedom. And second, defeating the tyranny that exists in these three countries.


Last updated: May 06, 2022

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